Our Membership has decreased! Can you help?

The return to sporting and non-sporting activities following the many lockdowns has come with its fair share of stresses and hasn’t been without its challenges for many organisations.

Extra planning and Covid-19 risk assessments along with the ever-changing guidance can seem like a daunting task. 

Understandably many members may also feel anxious about returning following months of very little social contact which in turn may have affected your organisation’s member list.


Here are a few tips which might help 👇


  • Create a list of your previous members and make sure it is up to date (you don’t want to be emailing current members asking them to come back !!)
  • For members who have been absent for a while, the chances are, they’ve probably missed out on quite a bit so you might want to mention some of the big things they’ve not participated in (consider adding images to let them see what they are missing- or any team activities/matches/tournaments/

social events etc)

  • Are there any new incentives since they were last members- any discounts or special offers for returning members? Make sure to add them too!


Q. That seems like a lot of work!

A. Don’t worry, we can set everything up for you!

All we need is:

  • Your Excel database which we can import for you which can then be filtered into membership types.
  • Anything personalised you would like added to email templates to allow quick and easy messaging with your members.
  • Your current Covid/Safeguarding policy documents to attach to emails -to give members that extra reassurance.
Once set up you can send target emails to all those members that you are hoping to win back with personalised emails at the touch of a button. Simple!

So why not give it a try?  

Get in touch to see how we could help to increase your membership and make your admin much more streamlined!